
Synapse - A Chat Application

Synapse - A Chat Application

A chat application built with React JS, Node, and TypeScript. This project uses Socket.IO for web socket connections, Express for server, and Next UI for UI components

Beyond Bazaar - An E-commerce website

Beyond Bazaar - An E-commerce website

A full stack e-commerce website based on Next JS 13.4 using App router which provides top notch server side rendering features. This project uses Prisma as ORM, PostgreSQL for database, Tailwind for styling and Shadcn UI for design templates

SkillForge - A course selling website

SkillForge - A course selling website

This website is a full-stack course-selling platform, developed using the MERN stack, and designed with the Material UI framework.

Emotion based Music Player

Emotion based Music Player

Built an Emotion based Music Player in Python which utilizes the Deepface library for real-time emotion detection from a user's facial expressions. It also uses Streamlit for a user-friendly interface and OpenCV for video capture.

Student Attendance using Face Recognition

Student Attendance using Face Recognition

Built a software to allow schools or colleges to take attendance of student by identifying their face. This project was built using Python and the GUI was built using Tkinter. Also added a email notification feature, where parents or guardians would be informed if their ward is absent.



This is my personal portfolio.